Oh, satan and his devices use much to destroy the righteous. Hurling hate and spewing fear. But those who live under the wings of the Almighty need not fear. Open the eyes for those to see, those who have ears, let them hear. Nothing he does can remove Gods promise, nothing he plans will change Gods course. Those who live within this gift are sure and safe in His arms. No terror by night or arrow by day will change the heart of those today. Thank you, Jesus, for Your strength. I could not live in this world without You! Where You are, there I may be also, until then, I will trust and lean on You. Your love retains me, Your strength sustains me. Oh, Lord, bless those who need You, strengthen those who are weak, feed those who hunger, and give drink to those who thirst. You gather the tears of those who cry to be a witness against the evil one. For there are many who need You today, this is my prayer. May God bless those in need. Amen. ...