I am like a tree planted in good soil thriving among the light. My light shines before men, though they know not what matters to me. Oh LORD, you have spiritual eyes to see, the roots that go below the surface of what man can see. My light shines before men, though they know not what matters to me. The dark side attacks me and most could not contend. The lighter side judges me though they do not repent. But You, Oh LORD, know me through and through. And You are where my eyes do look, Your spiritual eyes do see. My light shines before men, though they know not what matters to me. The lies that swirl around like a seething snake meant to discourage, kill and take. Will not leave me in its wake a weakling human of God’s mistake. I am a child of the Most High God and mistakes are not His accord. So, read this and make of it as you will, because the dark side’s evil, it will not kill. The light that planted this tree on a heaven...