We celebrate Thanksgiving Day to give thanks for divine goodness. In America we celebrate the giving of bread to sustain the Pilgrims and native Americans through the winter. A gathering of people who cared enough to share the bounty that God gave each. I pray that each and every one of you have a blessed Thanksgiving Day! If you are a Christian, I would like to invite you to celebrate with us no matter if you are an American or not. Please allow me to tell you about a day, the first Thanksgiving day. Open your eyes to see before the the Pilgrims traveled the sea, before the car, before the Christmas tree. A time when things were unresolved and dangerous for many. Watch as the ripples of waves come crashing onto the shore of a lake on a clear, bright day. Look out across the water, watch as the sun shines down causing the water to glisten and see in the middle of that lake, on this glorious day - a boat. Tying knots, a throw, tossing and turning w...