As I drive home during these dog days of summer, where rain has been sparse, I watch the dust rise from the road and gather in the tail end of my vehicle like rain. Southern Missouri is still beautiful even during sparse rain. I am welcomed home by a row of showy flowers on these Rose-of-Sharon shrubs. Some flowers are still blooming like the roses, and look at this beautiful Hibiscus. It bloomed out after the last rain. Isn’t it beautiful? Nothing would make this summer day more beautiful except for a couple of butterflies landing on the Sedums with their prolific heads of flowers giving the much-needed nourishment for this feathery light, floating, flying, bright colored, winged species. I take a deep breath, exhale slowly, and smile. There’s nothing like a flower garden to bring me out of the melancholy that a termultous time can give one. Peace, Laveda D. Rockford © 2020 Laveda D. Rockford