
Showing posts from March, 2021


  SOUTHERN MISSOURI SPRING My family came to town for my Uncle JV’s funeral and our weekend was filled with a mixture of emotions. Though he will be missed, we are convinced that he is in a better place than we are. I can only imagine the celebration there. I thought I would post this photo below. It is so appropriate because it reminds me of how God shows us His love in so many ways. Look at this heart-shaped cloud.  I have had time to deal with my emotions somewhat. I watch the deer in the evening and at twilight. This land is a reminder to me of my uncle. Most of us grew up here at one time or another. I am posting a few photos to show you what spring in southern Missouri looks like. If you ever have the chance to visit southern Missouri, I recommend it.   Thank you for your prayers and God bless you and yours! Love, Laveda D. Rockford © 2021 Laveda D. Rockford


  PAINTING UPDATE & PRAYER REQUEST | LAVEDA D. ROCKFORD Life always has its share of tribulations and I must share this with you. If there are any prayer warriors out there that can use their voices to reach up to the throne of God, my family could really use your voices to join us now. My Uncle JV has been fighting Leukemia for the past year and we were excited to receive word that he was in full remission. However, there has been a terrible setback. While recovering at home he contracted Pneumonia, was rushed back to the hospital, and received treatment. And there were complications. He is with his wife and family at home under hospice care. Please say a prayer for him and his family. And while you are at it, mention the rest of my family. We need of your prayers. God bless you for caring. Love always, Laveda D. Rockford © 2021 Laveda D. Rockford  


My Cup Runneth Over Laveda D. Rockford Here is an update on ‘ My Cup Runneth Over’ , the oil painting I have been working on.   I worked on it for a few hours throughout the week. The process is fun for me, though some days I find paint on my hands where it should not be, but I enjoy painting so much. I hope that you enjoy looking at the photo that I am sharing with you. And I have something special to tell you about ‘ The Case of the Black Pearl Ring’. I thought it would be fun to introduce you to the cast of characters in ‘ The Case of The Black Pearl Ring’ . Some of the names will give you a little more information about their character. You will have to do a little research to understand, so, get your dictionary out and have some fun. I hope that I get a few smiles from some of you out there.   ·          Good guys o    Wade Hamilton o    Gina Hamilton §   Yahreh Hamilton, son of Wade and Gina Hamil...


SOMETHING’S GOING ON:  SCREENPLAY EXCERPT  In the previous excerpt, the team exited the apartment. A while later, another serious situation happened and now they are silently listening for sounds. THE CASE OF THE BLACK PEARL RING, Screenplay Excerpt   *** FS Cindy observed that the sound of footsteps came to an abrupt halt. She motioned for the team to hold. CINDY: “Stay put. Be on the ready, something’s going on,” Cindy said quietly, thinking that someone might have seen the guard being pulled to the right after walking through the door. She glanced over at him thinking he was the issue.   *** FS Shaitan leaned his head to the side listening, then motioned the guards upward and they continued slowly up the next flight of stairs. Then he peeked around the wall and looked upward, he saw movement which caused them to begin firing. FS They received return fire and a shoot-out commenced.   FS REAR Shaitan moved back and shoved b...