More About My Books and Screenplays | Laveda D. Rockford
A short movie of still shots for marketing two screenplays, ‘ Yahreh’ and ‘ The Case of the Black Pearl Ring ,’ created by Laveda D. Rockford YAHREH | Screenplay Wade Hamilton accepts the assignment that leads him into an investigation that changes his life. He learns a new way of looking at things, and the ability to see beyond his own understanding. Combine that with the help of his team, and the criminals are rounded up and he closes the case that brings Gina into his life. THE CASE OF THE BLACK PEARL RING | Screenplay After Gina and Wade open their own private investigation company, they find out that the world is not as small as they thought. Wade travels across the country only to find the answer that they are looking for in their own backyard. When his old team members join the investigation, the list of criminals get longer, and the team acquires new technology that help them get a positive result with an unexpected ending. © 2011 – 2022 Laveda D. Roc...