Expecting Beauty | Laveda D. Rockford

Expecting Beauty It is the time in this season when you walk out into your flower garden and see things growing. Some are small beginnings but soon will be tall, glorious, plants or flowers. You notice that the trees are starting to fill with their lush greenery and bushes are starting to bud. Some have already completed their spring flowering, each in their own time. Your eye is following the ebb and flow of this season and that gives you joy of what will follow. Summers lush, delightful days. Here are a few photos of my flower garden. Some of the flower buds are about to burst forth with their purple wings flying through the air delighting my senses. I know there are a lot of terrible things happening in our world but sometimes you have to go outside and look for beauty to ease the mind of sacrifices that so many are experiencing. Give your heart a little peace and look around for something beautiful. If at least for a moment of relief. Always expect something beautiful to ha...