The Staircase : The Case of the Black Pearl Ring | Laveda D. Rockford

The Staircase An excerpt from the screenplay by Laveda D. Rockford In The Case of the Black Pearl Ring Wade Hamilton and the FBI team have some of Mr. Snit’s cronies on surveillance. FBI Agent Steve calls into the command center to inform the lead agent what he discovered. And THE CASE OF THE BLACK PEARL RING gets more interesting. *** FS OFFICE COMMAND CENTER STEVE: “Cindy, you’re not going to believe this. In the front entry, I just watched a wall and a portion of the ceiling move to expose the second floor. Something is going on.” CINDY: “What?” STEVE: “I was watching through their camera system and saw Samata walk into the entry way with an assistant. The assistant moved, what I think to be a lever behind the desk, and the wall to the left disappeared into the adjoining wall; the design that is on the ceiling split in half and the left portion was attached to the wall that disappeared. It opened the ceiling to reveal a staircase and a huge chandelier. ...