YAHREH: GINA AND THE SILVER CHALICE In Captive Deliverance, Gina is contacted by the FBI through a note. The note didn’t tell her who was watching her, but reading the note was enough. Read this excerpt of YAHREH to see what happens next. YAHREH, screenplay *** FS GINA TO CU OF THE NOTE FLOATING TO THE FLOOR Gina is sitting in her living room reading a book about Yellowstone National Park. She thumbs through a few pages when a piece of paper falls to the floor. MS GINA Gina leans down to pick up the note and reads it. OVER THE SHOULDER ZOOM TO ECU OF THE NOTE YAHREH : GINA FINDS A NOTE MCU GINA Gina reads the note several times. Then she starts to cry. She lifts her head with tears in her eyes, GINA: “Thank God!” MS GINA TO FS CAMERA BACKING She sits the book on the table next to her and gets up holding the note. She walks over to the entertainment center and picks up a silver chalice. She walks toward the kitchen...