YAHREH is the screenplay of CAPTIVE DELIVERANCE , a Christian Mystery Crime Drama. In this excerpt, Sheriff Pattison and the State Attorney are in the observation room with other members of law enforcement when FBI Special Agent Wade Hamilton walks into the room. They watch while Fred is being interrogated by Officer Jenkins in the adjoining room. YAHREH , screenplay *** INT. OBSERVATION ROOM MS WADE / ¾ FRONTAL VIEW WADE (TO SHERIFF PATTISON): “Give me a few minutes with him.” MS/SHERIFF PATTISON/OVER THE SHOULDER Sheriff Pattison looks at the State Attorney. MS STATE ATTORNEY STATE ATTORNEY: “It wouldn’t hurt.” MS/SHERIFF PATTISON/OVER THE SHOULDER Sheriff Pattison turns toward Wade. SHERIFF PATTISON: “Okay, but don’t go rogue on us!” MS WADE/OVER THE SHOULDER Wade opened the door and walked out of the observation room, closing the door behind him. REVERSE ANGLE/FS OBSERVATION ROOM Everyone in the o...