Wade Hamilton begins his journey by accepting the case that changes his life forever. Read this excerpt of the screenplay YAHREH to find out how it happens. YAHREH, screenplay *** FS WADE’S WHITE SHIRT/ZOOM OUT FS FBI SPECIAL AGENT WADE HAMILTON FBI agent Wade Hamilton walks through the door at FBI headquarters. He sits down at his desk when his boss, Bill Blass, walks through the door at a fast pace. BILL: “Wade, in my office, stat.” TWO-SHOT Wade looks at his partner Brad, sitting at the adjoining desk, and rolls his eyes. BRAD: “Man, you’re in trouble! I told you that you were going too far. That stunt, it was funny but you went too far! I mean… they actually thought it was going to be front page news only to found out too late that the whole branch was laughing at them. You know Ken went straight up the ladder. Man… you’re going to get fired! Did you see the look on Bill’s face? Man… you’re getting’ canned.” Wade throws a pen at...