Since I had the day off in honor of those who gave their lives for the freedoms that we cherish in the United States of America, I chose to visit downtown Dallas, Texas. It was a bustling scene when I drove around the corner and under the bridge toward Dealey Plaza. Turning left, I found my first destination. I turned into the parking lot and was blessed to park underneath a shade tree. The Dallas Holocaust Museum is packed full of information about how freedoms can be disrupted under the guise of bigotry and discrimination. If you haven't visited the Dallas Holocaust Museum, you should. It's an educational destination, back in time, where freedom was longed for, but was not found, where justice was prohibited, but for a time. Tears welled up in my eyes when I heard about a child in hiding whose Mother taught her not to cry because they had to be very quiet. After they came out of hiding, she asked her Mother if it was okay to cry now. That broke my heart. T...