Today I had time off work to do something that brings me joy. I visited the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden.

I started walking around the corner from the entrance to see beautiful bushes with rows of petunias welcoming me into their garden. Beckoning me to continue on through the park.

Farther down the path I came across the first trial garden. Many Canna blooming in the distance. Closer to me was more annuals, each one more beautiful than the other. To pick a favorite would be difficult for me.

Past the Trial Garden, a beautiful scene caught my eye and I had to walk through the lawn and take a picture.

A combination of pink and red petunias with a center piece in the background set the mood for the rest of my journey.

The Lay Family Garden was fabulous. Peering out from under the rock portico surrounded with the sounds of a waterfall sent chills through me as I watched the scene.

Continuing on I saw some of the most beautiful trees and flowers. Sculptures were placed for easy viewing from the path.

Being a poet, I couldn't pass up taking a picture of the Poetry Garden.

A look inside brought poetry to my mind. Oh, the joys of word and prose. Flowing freely from the depths of sight and sound. Singing joyfully from within my heart.

I enjoyed looking at the Red Maples in The Nancy Rutchik Red Maple Rill. I posted a photo of the entrance on my Instagram account : @lavedadrockford

If you are looking for something to do, this is a beautiful place to visit. Here's a link to their website:

I hope you have a wonderful evening!

© 2016 Laveda D. Rockford
     Dallas, Texas


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