A New Garden Feature | Laveda D. Rockford

 A New Garden Feature

Labor Day: a day set aside for special recognition of the workingman, or in this case, woman.

In other words, it is a day to reflect on all of the work a person puts into their vocation.

Though I have the day off, I still had to mow the lawn around my flower garden. And since I purchased a new garden feature, I had to post this about it.

Purity is an especially important word in the Christian faith. The words purity and purify can be used interchangeably.

Purity: the quality or state of being pure

Purify: to grow or become pure or clean

To honor our journey through this thing we call life, here is the new art feature in my flower garden.

Life is what you make of it. You can make something good out of it or you can continue on the path that you have laid for yourself. It is all up to you. But if you decide to follow Jesus Christ, and pick up your cross and follow Him, it is a whole other life that, in the end, is well worth it.

I pray that your Labor Day is peaceful, restful, and purely fine.

Praying for all.

God bless,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2024 Laveda D. Rockford


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