The Path: Shining Ever Brighter | Laveda D. Rockford

The Path: Shining Ever Brighter
Proverbs 4:18

 The Path: Shining Ever Brighter

I am posting this to share with you a little more about my latest painting. The verse that goes with the painting is special.

“The path of the righteous

is like the morning sun,

shining ever brighter

till the full light of day.”

(Proverbs 4:18)

As you can tell in the photo of my painting that the morning sun has arrived and is reaching into the far corners of the forest while the daylight reflects the brightness of the day in water so clear. Flowers edge the riverbank and have spread out into the forest so peacefully. It is composed of something that only could be achieved in the full light of day, yet time has been erased and the scene is as if God Himself is watching. He sees the end from the beginning, always. It is a delight to know that I depend on Him in all that I do. With out God, I could not paint this way. To God be the glory.

I spent the week before my birthday visiting family in Texas and Oklahoma. It was nice. I love them so much. I was back home on Friday and spent my birthday unpacking and resting.

While I was gone, my cousin who had autism was admitted to the hospital for an injury from a fall. I am not certain how it happened, but she had to have stitches. She was finally sent home to recover only to be rushed to the hospital that evening again. Come to find out, she had bleeding on the brain that her initial ex-ray did not show. The Lord welcomed her with open arms early Friday morning. Therefore, she is not autistic any longer. She is in her glorified body with Jesus Christ our Savior while He wiped away every tear from her eyes.

I was telling someone recently that she gets a double blessing. More than what most of us will experience. She, because of her special needs, was not able to run and play like the other children. We, on the other hand, have played, jumped, and ran. Although she just turned fifty-two years old, she was still just a child. But when she reached those golden gates, she could jump and run like she never has before, praising God for the glorified body that she was in.

The Path
a portion of the painting

I give God the glory for His loving kindness. May God bless you and yours.

Love always,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2024 Laveda D. Rockford


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