The Path | Laveda D. Rockford

The path of the righteous is like the morning sun,
shining ever brighter till the full light of day.
(Proverbs 4:18)

 The Path

My days are filled with work. I work full time, caring for the lawn, flower garden, and I am a painter of oil on canvas, as well as a writer and blogger. I am Laveda D. Rockford.

My Mother, her doctors say, is in stage four cancer and has been since 2015. However, we are blessed that she can still do a lot of things on her own. In fact, I took her to see my brother in Texas and she will be staying with him for a while. Her next injections are not until later this month.

I have not had time to write even though I have started my third book. The publisher that I contacted to publish my second book gave me an estimate but when I was ready to pay, they did not contact me again. I am wondering about this as I do have the funds and would like to begin. If you know of a publisher that is interested in a Christian novel, please send me the information so I can get this started. It is an action-packed crime novel with plenty for the masses.

I started writing because I wanted to tell people that we can be overcomers as long as God is on our side. No matter what circumstances I am going through, my joy comes from the Lord Jesus Christ, and with the Holy Spirit to guide me, who can be against me? Not to say that the evil one does not use people to come against me, what I am saying is when I am working for the Lord, there is nothing the evil one can do that defeats God’s purpose for my life.

Everyone says not to talk about yourself and definitely do not use the word, I. If that is true, then how are we supposed to tell people about our circumstances and teach people to depend on God rather than believe that life the way they are living is sufficient? There is so much more. Sometimes it is daily that God does something to remind me that He is with me. It is the things that most people overlook that are the most meaningful to me at this time in my life. Like when something in the sky looks like something I described earlier that day, or when the sun shines through the clouds on a cloudy day just as I sit down in my vehicle to go to work. Some things do not make sense to some people but when you have God in your heart and on your mind, you just know. And I am not the only one that this happens to. That is what I am trying to get across. That God shows you things that are unexplainable at times but oh, so worth the relationship.

I cannot wait for you to read my second book, it is a sequel of my first book, Captive Deliverance. Personally, I think it is really good.

So, while I am waiting, here are some photos of my paintings. The newest one is not finished yet, but it looks promising.  

Love always,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2024 Laveda D. Rockford


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