
Showing posts from April, 2021


Photography is wonderful. For example, look at this photo of Bluebells. Setting the stage to highlight the subject matter is as important as the subject matter itself. I waited to take this photo until evening with a slightly overcast sky. I placed a semi shiny cloth behind it that caused the evening sky to sink into the cloth making the photo look as if it is the sky. It is always good to try new things out. You never know what you can come up with on your own. I hope these photos look as interesting to you as they were to me. I know this post is short, but I do not have a lot of time. God bless and have a blessed day or evening! Love you, Laveda D. Rockford © 2021 Laveda D. Rockford  


I have been studying what happened in between what we celebrate at Easter and what happened on the fiftieth day. They were told to tarry for the Promise. Since Easter, I count the days and check each weekend to see how many more days before that day. If it feels like a long time to me, I wonder what they thought. While I in my inferior thinking would wonder about these things, they visited with Him. Who is He? Jesus Christ. The excitement must have been overwhelming, and the knowledge of the Promise is what sustained them. My thoughts also go to what we are experiencing as a society. Some people are unable to work. Other people, whether by necessity or choice, have decided to stay at home. Though we may go through seasons and feel like we are waiting for something, or anything to happen, we must be encouraged by reading this narrative in the Bible. The waiting in this story was worth it. Not that I am making a comparison out of this time, this time is awful! I think the ability t...


  It rained this morning so I thought today would be a good time to paint. It is time consuming when you are working on a detailed scene of buildings and landscape, as well as sky, fog, and plants.   Painting brings thought and possibilities to the canvas like writing brings to the page. It gives you the chance to think about the people who lived there, or who lives there now. Did they have picnics in the rolling hills on a beautiful summer day? Did their children play in the water fountain, pushing sailboats with their little hands while water splashed on their tiny little heads? Does the community have summer evening meals together outside with tables and chairs positioned around the fountain? Who is the gardener who care for the flowers there? Questions like this make a painting come alive, if for just a moment in time. Here are a couple more photos of ‘My Cup Runneth Over’.     And here are a few more photos of spring flowers showing their beauty around her...


  SPRING BLOSSOMS IN MISSOURI | LAVEDA D. ROCKFORD Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. Watching the landscape turn from winter drab to a light green that then refines into a darker green on forest trees and flower bed foliage is a delight. Then flower buds spring up and the anticipation waiting to see them bloom is always there for lovers of the blooming season. It makes a person realize that every winter finally blossoms into spring, bringing with it such happiness even if it is only to look at a favorite tulip. Look at this beautiful tulip that I planted around my Grandmothers iron swing.   There is such a thing as a Flowering Almond. It reaches up from the ground with fluffy little soft, pink flowers surrounding the branches. It is an old-fashioned type that is so special to many around here. It looks especially beautiful with the Redbud blooming in the background.   Here is a photo of the Bugleweed that is showing promise of a beautiful blooming ...