Laveda D. Rockford photos


Spring is one of my favorite times of the year. Watching the landscape turn from winter drab to a light green that then refines into a darker green on forest trees and flower bed foliage is a delight. Then flower buds spring up and the anticipation waiting to see them bloom is always there for lovers of the blooming season. It makes a person realize that every winter finally blossoms into spring, bringing with it such happiness even if it is only to look at a favorite tulip. Look at this beautiful tulip that I planted around my Grandmothers iron swing.


Laveda D. Rockford photos

There is such a thing as a Flowering Almond. It reaches up from the ground with fluffy little soft, pink flowers surrounding the branches. It is an old-fashioned type that is so special to many around here. It looks especially beautiful with the Redbud blooming in the background.


Laveda D. Rockford photos

Here is a photo of the Bugleweed that is showing promise of a beautiful blooming season. The gentian blue flower spikes peaking up from green foliage will be more profuse as the season progresses. I will be sure to share a better photo of this Bugleweed later. It is a large plant and I decided to use the landscape option on my camera for you to see the flower spikes in the distance. 


Laveda D. Rockford photos

Watching spring blossom and come to life brings comfort to me. The seasons change and time moves on. I hope this can give you a little sunshine even if it is on an overcast late afternoon in southern Missouri. God bless and have a blessed weekend!


Love ya,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2021 Laveda D. Rockford


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