Laveda D. Rockford oil paintings

I have been studying what happened in between what we celebrate at Easter and what happened on the fiftieth day. They were told to tarry for the Promise.

Since Easter, I count the days and check each weekend to see how many more days before that day. If it feels like a long time to me, I wonder what they thought. While I in my inferior thinking would wonder about these things, they visited with Him. Who is He? Jesus Christ. The excitement must have been overwhelming, and the knowledge of the Promise is what sustained them.

My thoughts also go to what we are experiencing as a society. Some people are unable to work. Other people, whether by necessity or choice, have decided to stay at home. Though we may go through seasons and feel like we are waiting for something, or anything to happen, we must be encouraged by reading this narrative in the Bible. The waiting in this story was worth it.

Not that I am making a comparison out of this time, this time is awful! I think the ability to work and take care of yourself is something we all know builds character, no matter the class or ethnicity a person identifies with.

I wrote this for those who are going through a difficult time while waiting… waiting for anything, something to happen. Our lives have changed and living like this is detrimental to ourselves as well as society on a whole. My heart and prayers go out to everyone who is having a difficult time during this waiting season. God bless and remember that I am thinking of you.

With love,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2021 Laveda D. Rockford

Laveda D. Rockford oil paintings

The photo above is an update of my painting, ‘My Cup Runneth Over’.


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