
Showing posts from 2025

Scenes From The Porch | Laveda D. Rockford

  Scenes From the Porch series  oil on canvas, 12" x 24" artist Laveda D. Rockford Scenes From The Porch I have worked all week and finally found time today to write this and post it. It is an updated photo of my painting without using the flash on my camera. You can see it much better than the last photo I shared of my painting. To begin with, I would like to remind you what the motto in my first book, Captive Deliverance , and screenplay Yahreh , is.         There is a reason for everything,        And everything has a purpose. Just like this painting that I just finished, R 1 of the Rockford Series, Scenes From The Porch . The scenery is picturesque. I can imagine relaxing on the porch listening to the singing call of the Meadow Lark and the soft cooing of the Dove.   A deep belief in God creates them both. Bringing thought of mind forward in action to present something others, hopefully, can ...

Introduction: 2025 R 1 | Artwork by Laveda D. Rockford

  Introduction: 2025 R 1 There will be three paintings in the 2025 Rockford series. R 1 is the first complete painting in this sequence. Though I say that this canvas is finished, an artist, which I am, will always look at their work and find something that could be brushed up with the edge of a paint brush. This is my concept and the two that will be joining it is already in my mind. I will keep you posted. While you are waiting, here is a photo of 2025 R 1. God bless, Laveda D. Rockford © 2025 Laveda D. Rockford

New Artwork In Progress 2025 |Laveda D. Rockford

  New Artwork In Progress 2025 New Artwork In Progress 2025 It was an interesting time the past few weeks. We have had very wintry weather and a snow shower or two and we are supposed to get more snow showers on Tuesday. The weatherperson announced that we could get up to fifteen inches. Yikes! So, what does a person do in freezing weather? If you are an artist, you grab a canvas and your oil paints and start painting. Well, to tell you the truth I pray first, I pray during and, I always pray while I paint. It really does help me because God gives me an idea but does not tell me how to proceed until the time is right. So, this is how I work. When I write, I do the same thing. I saw a post that said something to the effect that poetry is a dying literature. I must disagree. The prose is and always will be from the heart and something a poet does is sing their words to the world in a form of art. Not singing but delicately winding through thought to form a sensational work of w...

Blank Canvas To Fill | Laveda D. Rockford

  Blank Canvas To Fill A new year begins, And many things change, Fires in California, It shows in the strait,   The time has come, To count your blessings because, We never know when and what. Will be the next cause,   Some filled with cheerful joy, While tears flow with sorrow, There is one thing for sure, It is time that you cannot borrow,   Looking deep within one’s self, To search and to find, What really matters, What is before, And behind, Your words, Unkind.   May God forgive is what I say, In every prayer, in every way, So, take this time and this day, And say your prayers heavens way,   The Lord’s prayer Matthew 6:9-13   And afterward, Blank canvas to fill, Fill it with beauty, peace, and good will. © 2025 Laveda D. Rockford Blank Canvas To Fill By Laveda D. Rockford