Introducing, Sincere Love. Sincere Love Laveda D. Rockford Dallas, Texas USA Sincere Love Laveda D. Rockford Dallas, Texas USA Sincere Love Laveda D. Rockford Dallas, Texas USA I have to laugh because I'm going to tell you a little secret. This is the first oil painting I have ever done. I love it and must say, with Christ, all things are possible. Never underestimate the possibilities when you serve a BIG God. I give thanks for this painting and His blessings. He always amazes me. I hope you get to a place where you can enjoy the blessings that He can provide for you. Does that mean that my life is wonderful all the time, NO. I just know that He is here, in my heart, surrounding me, and loves me through it all. It is the feeling that I get when something good happens that I cannot explain. Like painting this. Oh, how I wish you understood. My joy would be for you to experience it on your own. Sincerely, ...