While you are waiting for my next book to be released, here's another update on the painting that I am working on.

There are times when I am not sure if I should post. When things happen for no reason or because of hatred. 

For the life of me, I don’t understand how people can get so far away from the love that you can see in the world. Look at the trees and flowers all around. If you live in the desert, look at the artistry of the sand. If you live in a cold area, look at how the wind blows across the ground to make interesting designs out of the landscape in the winter months. 

The love of God above created that for us. Even if you don't believe in Jesus Christ, there is a built-in ability to know right from wrong. To know the difference between love and hate.

Choose love.

I chose love and I chose Jesus Christ as my Savior. 

Laveda D. Rockford 
#artist #writer#author #LavedaDRockford 

© 2019 Laveda D. Rockford
     Dallas, Texas USA


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