Laveda D. Rockford paintings

I signed my painting today and included a couple of photos for your perusal. I hope you like it. 

Laveda D. Rockford

And since it is the ninth of Av, I thought I would share a few thoughts on the subject.

The ninth of Av is one of the most devastating and terrible days in historical data. From the beginning of time, the evil one continues to try and destroy God's people. Those who chose Him as their God and His son, their Messiah. Jesus Christ came to give us the freedom that we are unable to achieve on our own.

Jealousy is what the evil one indwelled from the beginning. What we can rely on is that the evil one will be held accountable for all things done in jealousy.

Jealousy is a strong emotion that can send people into the same downward spiral that the Lord said He witnessed when the evil one was thrown down from heaven. 

And He said to them, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven."

Luke 10:18

So, my advice, guard your heart from jealousy which gives the evil one access into your life.

God bless and have a blessed week.

Love always,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2021 Laveda D. Rockford

Osceola, Missouri USA


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