A Beacon of Light | Laveda D. Rockford


On this day, many years ago, a small number of undesirables were discussing the terrible conditions they found themselves in. Each day was a new discovery in a new land that was their home. Their thoughts finally landed on “freedom’ which led to the birth of a new nation.

Since then, the pursuit of happiness was guaranteed for every American. A country where men and women want to enter. We have grown from infancy into adulthood with trials and victories as a child would do.

Every nation is riddled with error and justification. America is no different. But history leads us into the future if we do not forget the old adage “history repeats itself.”

Wars are won by learning from history. Life becomes better and inventions enter the mind and are born on hardships of history. An innovative society gains respect and freedom when its citizens have the freedom to explore their desires for a better way of doing things. Exploration found this country, riding across the mountains, floating down rivers, and walking under beautiful skies on fertile ground.

Ground that fed more than Americans. America has always served us and others, during good times and bad.

While times change, we have the responsibility to honor our brothers and sisters who live in this great country, and honor God above all.

You can roll our flag up like a scroll, but every word is etched in the strips and stars of this American flag. Unrolling that scroll tells of our history whether good or bad. Our flag is beautiful, and I will honor it like many others have in the past and present. And may our future teach others what it means to live in an innovative, explorative, principled, nation. Hopefully bringing “Light” into a dark world to make life better for all.

When “Light” is carried on the shoulders of men and women, the weight of such a task is not as daunting as the weight of destruction some carry. I would rather share “Light” among the nations than spread despair among any people. Destruction and despair tear a nation down but “Light” drives it forward. May we move forward into the future with this in mind.

A Beacon of Light

A beacon of light draws ship toward shore,

a beacon of light led man through swells of tempest lore,

a beacon of light dispels darkness of night,

a beacon of light shines through with strength of might.


Freedom of speech is an undeniable act of love for people. Whether you or me, we have the right to speak of things that are important to us. The things that I speak of, I hope, brings people above the detrimental dregs of a dismantled society that we are watching in the news as of late.

With love,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2022 Laveda D. Rockford


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