THE FENCE | Laveda D. Rockford


It took quite a while to have my fence ordered and installed. I am pleased with the completion except concerning the caps. When the cooler weather moved in, wind beat down on this beautiful fence and caused some of the caps to fly into the air looking for some other place to rest. I had to go out during the rain and reinstall them onto their perch. After discussing it with family, it will be an easy fix. So, after all said and done my heart sings today. What a beautiful day it is. The weather has cooled some and the sun is shining bright which makes me happy.

Here is a photo of the fence. Isn’t it beautiful? I just love it.


And talking about the fence, the reason I had a fence installed is because I love flowers. A flower garden is something that will be a joy to see year-round. I have purchased some items that will go into the flower garden for winter interest though they will not be included this season. They need to be cleaned and painted before I place them. However, I thought I would sketch my flower garden to give you an idea of what I hope for.

What do you think about it? Any suggestions?

Well, as you can tell I am a busy person. I hope that you have a wonderful day. God bless!

Love always,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2022 Laveda D. Rockford


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