The Seasons of Beauty and Rain | Laveda D. Rockford


Handpainted Christmas Ornament
Christmas Scene

The Seasons of Beauty and Rain

I have been getting ready to celebrate Christmas. My Christmas tree is up and decorated, and I am making ornaments and thought I would share a photo of them here.

While we are on the subject of Christmas, there was another Christmas that came to my mind recently. I would like to share my thoughts with you.

While spending time with my older brother’s family over the Thanksgiving holiday, I came across this entry in one of my journals from December 31, 2017. I do not remember what sermon was preached that day, but I think this message will be of help to some of you. Here is what I wrote with a little editing, but only a few words are edited.


December 31, 2017                                                 

While listening to a wonderful sermon at church this morning, I was reminded of the time when Israel was enslaved in Egypt. God chose Moses to return to them with a message of deliverance. God unleashed ten plagues against Egypt at that time. The tenth plague was to destroy the first born of the land. That meant that all first born, from the king to the cattle. Then God instructed Israel to apply the blood of the Lamb over the door post. That would be a sign to Him and He would Passover and the plague would not enter in.

In this same manner, we, as Christians, apply the blood of Jesus over our hearts and upon the shell of our body which safeguards us from destruction.

Now, you would think that the end of the story was there. Oh, but no, that is the beginning. If you know this story, you know that Israel has a long journey ahead. Just like Israel, our journey is long, and around every corner there is rejoicing and tragedy, growth through patience, moving from slavery to freedom in heart and soul, mind, and body, but trudging on through to the promised land, a heavenly destination where we will never be separated from God again.

We do not stay in the land of slavery. We move on. That is the life of a Christian and our Jewish brothers and sisters. We are strong only because He is strong. Thank you, LORD! Thank you, Lord Jesus!


Our lives have different seasons. Some seasons see beauty as the sunshine warms the air, and rain replenishes the earth and flowers burst into bloom filling the area with fragrance. While other seasons see brown, cold, earth sleeping, our eyes and hearts searching. Take another look, you can find the light even in the bleakest of times.

God bless you and yours. May your seasons always be filled with love, even during the seasons of sorrow.

Love always,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2023 Laveda D. Rockford


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