Each day is a collection, an ebb and flow of this thing we call life.

Bouncing forward as it marches in peace or strife.

Each act measured, song sung, filling the pages when it's done.

The pendulum of His time swings back and forth like the heartbeat of mankind.

Watching as the day quietly fades into the reflection of time.

Examination of words, thoughts, and sounds.

One who judges sits on this time. Looking deep within, never unaware, constant eyeing the hearts of man.

The human race, His love.

Urging on the right of heart, giving strength for a new start.

Flowing through as the next day begins. Cheerful countenance after a restful night ends.

The pendulum of His Time

The pendulum of His time swings back and forth like the heartbeat of mankind.

© 2014 Laveda D. Rockford

Christian Inspirational posts by Laveda D. Rockford

Dallas, Texas
After recent events I feel compelled to share this poem that I wrote a couple of years ago. I hope it brings comfort to those who know that we have a God who watches over us, who collects our tears, and who knows all things.

My heart aches for humanity. Praying for those who are hurting. I hope you have a wonderful day. God hears your prayers. And through that, He says, "I love you!"


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