Welcome to Rockford Smiles!

In honor of the holiday season, let me tell you a Christmas story that happened to me a long time ago. 

It remains in my memory as a bright, shining star among the dark silhouette back ground of the evening sky.

I grew up in a home that celebrates Christmas. Steep in tradition, with Christmas carols, and the family gathering as most families do. Exchanging gifts, music a flow, cheerful smiles, around the glow… of Christmas.

But one Christmas stands out among them all, a Christmas none, no, none at all.

My Mother went shopping before Christmas day, to gather gifts for us that day. Smiling and excited to watch her children on Christmas day,… glad.

Before going home, she had one more errand to run. Only to find, when she came back, that someone had taken all of the Christmas gifts that she had.

Driving home with a heavy heart, knowing that she had to tell us, her children, my brothers and I, that we wouldn’t have gifts this Christmas year. The sad news, accepted with saddened tears. We resolved to accept it and carried on the best we could until Christmas morn.

When Christmas morning came around, the patter of feet was not found. A slow gathering out of bed, an even slower walk in to be fed… when a surprise awoke in our eyes, a living room full of Christmas surprise.

We laughed and ran to play with each toy, a game, a doll, a ceramic Dumbo filled me with joy.

A local church had come to the rescue that day, and donated all the toys.

The toys that were in front of us, ALL were used. Some had missing parts, some were broken, and some abused. But that didn’t bother us. We loved each and every gift that day.

Jesus loves us just like that. Though many, and possibly all have experienced some type of brokenness, He loves us enough. He didn’t see the broken pieces, He healed them. Sometimes, He heals our brokenness through laughter, other times through tears, but regardless of how He heals us, have faith that He can and He will. If not on this earth, the time to come.

I’m going to close this segment with a verse from the book of Luke.

Jesus said, “Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter in.” (Luke 18:17)

As a child can overlook some broken pieces and love a toy, we should love one another the same way. For they will know us by our fruit.

The fruit that I want to bear this year? Is the love I have for God and each of you!

To learn more about this, read Matthew 22: 36-40.

Now you know why that Christmas ranks high in my memory of Christmas cheer, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season this year. Merry Christmas to you all. I love each and every one of you!
Merry Christmas! See ya next time.

Copyright © 2018 Laveda D. Rockford 


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