When a new year begins, I, like most people, decide what resolutions I would like to try. At times, I strive and succeed. 

One resolution that I have this year is to finish my second book. I hope to have it completed in a few weeks. 

However, I have been working on a few resolutions for many years. It helps with my daily life. I hope you can benefit from this list. 

To live in personal peace regardless of the situation, to love more regardless of the recipient, and let the LORD fill my heart with joy to overflowing so that you can understand the importance of that. These resolutions are a constant. 

To live in personal peace regardless of the situation takes practice. Every day try to find a way to practice this principle. It is one thing that Jesus Christ gave us, therefore, it is obtainable. 

To love more regardless of the recipient is a little more difficult. Not all recipients will accept a kind word or a kind gesture. I've been kind to people who continue to do obnoxious things around me. I'm not sure what to do when things like that happen. I prefer to have faith that in time, through prayer, the Lord will provide. I hope that type of person is not beyond the scope of learning. Usually, the unloved become the unlovable. Let's make the unloved loveable again. It is a lot of work, but it is possible. So, I keep trying. 

The joy of the LORD filling my heart, or your heart, should be plain to see. If the reflection of yourself is the joy of the LORD, you're a beautiful person! Stay beautiful. 

I hope that y'all have a wonderful 2019! 

May God bless you and keep you! 


Laveda D . Rockford 

© 2019 Laveda D. Rockford 
    Dallas, Texas 


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