There was a time when everything was perfect. A time when things were made just for us. Do you ever wonder why God made the “herb yielding seed and the fruit tree yielding fruit, whose seed is in itself,” on the third day? Possibly because it required time to grow.

If you have ever read about creation in the book of Genesis, you’ve noticed that the flying creatures, such as the bee, was made on the fifth day just in time to pollinate the blooms that will sustain man upon the earth. Man was not created until the sixth day. By the time man arrived, fruit was upon the tree and all creation was good.

Though God created all of it in six days, I believe that a day with God is nothing like a day here.

But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. – II Peter 3:8

Though God does not live in our timing, He does understand how important timing is. Though we are going through a difficult time, we serve a good God who is always thinking about us. Don’t forget that! Please pray for each other and pray for an end to the Coronavirus pandemic!

I took a few photos this week that made me think about this post. Here are a few photos that show the beauty that God created when everything was perfect. 

March 2020
Laveda D. Rockford
March 2020
Laveda D. Rockford

March 2020
Laveda D. Rockford
Tree Blossoms
March 2020
Laveda D. Rockford
Tree Blossom
March 2020
Laveda D. Rockford
My heart and prayers go out to all who are suffering, all who are in harm’s way protecting us during this crisis, and all medical personnel, as well as first responders! May God bless you and help you during this time.

With love,
Laveda D. Rockford

© 2020 Laveda D. Rockford,
Osceola, Missouri 


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