Are you ready for a little poetry today? I have been writing poetry for years. I remember when one of my English teachers put a platter of fruit on a small table in the middle of the classroom and asked the class to write a story about it. Writing a story and writing poetry is like that. You must have eyes that can look at what is there and push your mind beyond the subject. Surrounding the object with light and airy thought mixed with strength which creates something new altogether. That was one of the best lessons I ever had. 

This is a short poem, and some may say repetitious, but for a relaxing Sunday afternoon, it will do. God bless and have a blessed day!


A mist of fog obscured the distant hills,

While floating along the ridge.

Winter is full of days like this,

While waiting for days of bliss.


A Lord filled day in your mind,

Can remove the overcast fore,

Springs of hope bubble up,

Shining days galore.


A mist of fog obscures the distant hills,

While floating along the ridge,

Winter is full of days like this,

While waiting for days of bliss.


Speckled in between these days, the sun shines through,

The warmth of it makes me reminisce of Spring,

The Daffodils, Jonquils, and Candytuft waking up for our view,

A splendor for the eyes and senses, too.


A Lord filled day in your mind,

Can remove the overcast fore,

Springs of hope bubble up,

Shining days galore.

© 2021 Laveda D. Rockford

God bless and have a blessed day! Love ya!


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