THE BIRTHING PAINS BEGIN: A Representation | Laveda D. Rockford


Laveda D. Rockford

THE BIRTHING PAINS BEGIN: A Representation | Laveda D. Rockford


I spent Saturday morning at Herriman Chapel camp meeting and heard a very good sermon about The Armor of God. Not only did the speaker talk about the armor, but he also explained how the evil one comes against us. One thing that was interesting, he noted that in Ephesians 6:11 it says to put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Then in Ephesians 6:13 it says to, wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having all, to stand.


These are two separate ways, to stand and to withstand. To stand means to hold your ground and to withstand is defined as to stand up against or oppose with firm determination. 


To stand against the wiles of the devil is to know the truth about your salvation through Jesus Christ. Wiles means to use tricks or strategies to ensnare or deceive and could also mean a skill in outwitting. Do you remember when the devil tried to tempt Jesus with questions and the promises of power. That outwitted devil didn’t know that he was talking to the one who owns it all, created it all, and all things were created for Him, through Him, with Him. This is a very good example of what we are to do concerning the wiles of the devil.


To withstand in the evil day is to stand on the word of God through all trials and tribulations. The Word is a sword that can be welded at any time when needed. Make sure that you read the Bible regularly. There is a promise from the Lord, and that is that the Holy Spirit would bring to our mind the scriptures that we need to remember at specific times. What an amazing Lord we serve. Jesus Christ provided the way for us to stand in His truth as Messiah and withstand anything the devil throws our way in the evil day.


What is the evil day? Do we live in those days now? Or is this a future warning for days to come?  Many times, I have heard people say that the days we are living in are evil. We notice crime increasing and the love from many have grown cold. But there is a verse in the Bible that talks about evil days, and I believe it was when the flood of Noah happened. Did you know that it took Noah one-hundred-fifty years to build that boat and the whole time the people were warned about the flood? Did any of them change their ways? No one changed their ways and the flood carried them away.


The screenplays that I write are a representation of the good of God while living in the birthing pains of the end of the age. The great tribulation will soon begin and the character and knowledge of those left behind will determine their outcome. Follow along through the birthing pains with Wade and Gina Hamilton in Yahrea and The Case of the Black Pearl Ring.


Let's pray that we have more success than Noah with the coming signs of the end of the age to keep many from the evil days of the great tribulation. That is my prayer today, to save more from having to enter the great tribulation.


With love,

Laveda D. Rockford


© 2021 Laveda D. Rockford


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