A Melancholy Christmas: Part 3 | Laveda D. Rockford


A Melancholy Christmas: Part 3

He held her for a moment and then He said,

“Dorthea, you will be okay. One day I will wipe away all your tears and the joy you will have with me, here, is beyond the joy that you feel now. I came to tell you that I need you there for a while longer. There are some people that need to hear from you. People need to know that they are not alone. I can use someone like you. One day soon we will be together, but your time in eternity has not yet come.”

He gently pushed her back from Him to look into her eyes. His hand came up to brush a tear from her face and as He did, He said, “Tell them that I am real.” And the scene faded, and she was back in her bed, and it was morning. Christmas Eve.

I do not have much time. I must hurry, Dorthea thought. “Thank you, Jesus. I do have a purpose. Thank you, Jesus. Forgive me for feeling the way that I did. You have put new life into me. Thank you, Jesus,” she said looking up and around, amazed about the whole thing. Was it a dream, or vision? She was not sure, but it changed her. Still feeling amazed at what took place. She looked around her house and found all kinds of things that she overlooked daily.

There were the toys that she kept for her grandchildren; they were too old to play with them now. They would be the perfect gift for Lucinda’s children. Dorthea wrapped the toys with care, using ribbon and bows. Then she thought about a gift for Lucinda. There must be something that she can give to Lucinda. She looked through her room carefully for anything that she thought would be appropriate when she came across a scarf that would look perfect on her. Winter was cold, and a woman could always use a good scarf. She went over to her jewelry box and pulled out an old brooch that she never wore anymore and wrapped it. Now she was ready to go visiting.

She pulled on her coat and put the presents in a big bag, excited to see the look on the faces of the children. She had a wonderful time with Lucinda and her children and walked back to her house from the bus stop with a newfound energy. She did not have those aches and pains anymore. Amazing how purpose can change things.

She walked into her house, and it did not feel lonely. She knew that she was not alone. She made herself a cup of tea and fed the birds. Then she settled back and was watching the birds out the window when she heard something in the front of the house. She was getting up out of her chair when her son, Jake, walked into the kitchen.

“Oh, Jake. What…”

He reached over and hugged her and told her that he could not stand one more year without seeing her. They drove ten hours to see her. His wife, Dorinda, and their children walked in and hugged her. She was so happy, but after a moment she said,

“I am so happy to see you. But I did not go shopping and we have no food for Christmas dinner. The stores are already closed, and I don’t know what to do.”

“Nothing to worry about, Mom. Dorinda had already purchased everything for our dinner, and we brought it with us. We have turkey, dressing, and all the trimmings for the perfect Christmas meal. All we have to do is make it,” Jake said.

That evening, all cozy and warm in her bed, Dorthea thought of the past events that took place and never again would she feel like there was nothing more for her to do in this life. She had asked Lucinda and her children to go to church with her on Sunday. Lucinda said that they would meet her there. Now her family would get to meet Lucinda and her children, too. What joy it is when people gather to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. Dorthea’s Christmas was not a melancholy Christmas anymore.

The End.


© 2021 Laveda D. Rockford


Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14

A Melancholy Christmas is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


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