FATHER'S DAY | Laveda D. Rockford



Father’s Day is this weekend and I have been thinking about the significance of this day. We have had a loss in the family last year and even though my uncle has passed on, I know that I will see him again. How do I know that? Because he believed and actually taught an adult class at the church that he attended for many years. He believed in God and Jesus Christ as his Savior. Was he perfect? No, who is? But he was one of the best guys that I knew. His quiet, sweet, patient heart is something I will remember until we meet again. He is with my Father in heaven. My Father that I speak of is God the Father. And why is that important? Because the Father that I speak of was compassionate enough to send His son to die on a cross for our sins.

My Dad is still living and is placed in a special position in my heart. I wish that I could see him to wish him a happy Father’s Day but that is not possible at this time. But know that I think of Him often.

I shared these photos of the flowers that I cut from around the house this morning for all the special men in my life, Happy Father’s Day and may God bless each and every one of you!

With love,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2022 Laveda D. Rockford


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