A New Year | Laveda D. Rockford


A New Year

I have not had time to post over the holiday weekend. I hope that everyone had a wonderful time and for those who are not having the best of times, please know that my prayers are for you.

It is a new year, and who would have thought we would reach the year 2023 without a problem? We, the human race, have to deal with so much. It seems, at times, that we hear bad news every day. But the good news is that we are still here. The bad news is that we are still here. What do you know.  So, we will do our best for the year ahead of us.

I decided to start a new painting for 2023. Yes, an oil painting. I do not have much time to paint but it felt good to get a paint brush in my hands again, other than painting the bathroom wall, which I did recently. And yes, I have another full-time job other than what I do here, and my time is limited.

I will not say much about my new painting since my aunt commented when she first saw it, “Is that stairs?” Well, no, that is not stairs. I will show you a photo of it and you decide.

I hope to post another update about my new painting as soon as I can. God bless and let’s be the best we can be in 2023.

Love always,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2023 Laveda D. Rockford


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