Painting on Two Surfaces | Laveda D. Rockford


Painting on Two Surfaces

As you know I have been painting an oil painting and I want to show you the progress. I love how the flowers reflect on the water as well as the trees. What a joy it is to paint water and make it look like a reflection that I have seen so many times. I must give God the glory for all of my progress when painting. As for that matter, I give God all the glory of any and all of my blessings. Life is not easy, but I still know that God loves me. No matter what happens in this world, God loves me as well as you. Never forget that! 

Previously, when I was spending a little time looking at items to buy with a couple of gift cards that I received for Christmas, I found little glass balls on the discount table. I could not resist purchasing them because I have thought for the last few years to check my talent against them. With a little patience, I have come to like working with glass. Here is a photo of the project in process. In other words, this is not the finished product yet. But what promise it holds.    

I know that life is difficult, but hold on, we have not arrived yet. To arrive means that you have reached your final destination. What your final destination is what is most important. May God bless you all and keep you from now unto ever.

With love,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2023 Laveda D. Rockford


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