Making a Flower Garden | Laveda D. Rockford


Making a Flower Garden

I have spent my days off making a new flower garden for my Mother, Aunt Bonnie, and me to enjoy. It is extremely challenging work to do on my days off, but it will be worth it. I started with a blank slate and shoveled out the old turf in places. Pulling out roots of weeds and grass is still taking much of my time. The weather has not been cooperating this spring. I have had to wait through below freezing temperatures. It is starting to warm up and, of course, it seems to be going into record breaking heat. But it does not displease me in the least. A flower garden will be as it should. Roses, Hydrangeas, Iris, Clematis, Crape myrtles, Day lilies, Lilac, and Euonymus will be the bones of the garden with flowers highlighted around the setting. I have a list of perennial flowers that I would like to purchase but have not found what I am looking for. I hope to find them when summer flowers arrive at the garden centers. Here are some photos of the progress so far.

My Rose bed, the kidney shaped island border, is complete, and I noticed rose buds are appearing on one of the three bushes. I cannot wait to see them open into the warm sunshine to share their beautiful scent across the yard. I have seen bees and hummingbirds inspecting the flowers that I already have. What a joy!

I know that life is not always what we ask for and sometimes it is downright maddening. But I know that my redeemer lives and one day I will be with Him. Until then, may God be with you as He is with me. May your joy outweigh your sorrows, may sorrows be turned around, may the light dispel the darkness and may His light echo from you.

God bless!

With love,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2023 Laveda D. Rockford


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