An Update and My Thoughts on this 4th of July | Laveda D. Rockford


An Update and My Thoughts on this 4th of July

The past few evenings we were reminded of the celebration happening today and, if you learned what this day is about in school, you should know that freedom rang. The constant bombardments of artillery in the background did not discourage the ones who fought so bravely. Thank goodness that we are friends and allies of the English nation today. What a historical piece of ground the English have.

As the battle raged, so did the battle in our personal lives. Two of my distant relatives are in the hospital today. My Uncle Thom has had chest pains and is under observation now. The blood test confirmed a heart attack. I have not heard what procedures will take place and when.

My cousin Kim is in the hospital, too. She will be having surgery soon. She has autism and is a sweet and wonderful soul when she feels good. I hope that her surgery will be a comfort to her.

There are many older people in my family who are in some kind of health battle, we must not forget or get discouraged when battles happen. We have a faithful God who comes to our need in time of trouble. One day I know that I will be with the Lord in a heavenly, loving place and that is my desire for all of my family, friends, acquaintances, and each one of you. What greater love is there than the desire for love to abound? Some of you may mock me because of my belief in a loving God. I am a woman and God made me a woman and I think like a woman and that is how He made me. I think logically, I am faithful, and I love God. God is real, and He cares about those who love Him. Honestly love Him. Honestly!

Included in this post are a few photos of the progress of my flower garden. Enjoy!

I hope that each and every one of you have a safe and enjoyable day.

With love,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2023 Laveda D. Rockford


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