My Flower Garden | Laveda D. Rockford

My Flower Garden

This post will show you the progress that I have made in my flower garden. It will also give you an update on all of the successful surgeries that happened to family members. I will begin with the latter since it is the most important.

First, I would like to tell you that my brother, James, had scheduled surgery that he had after my last post, and he is doing well. He had surgery on his sinuses because of allergies. Allergies seem to run in our family. Second, my cousin Kim had surgery and seems to be doing a lot better. There was a moment after her initial surgery that she had to return to the hospital for observation again, but from what I know she is doing well. Third, my uncle Thom had four stints and was released from the hospital and is doing well. So, all is well in our little world. Not that everyone is perfect, and not that everyone is in the epitome of health, but surgeries are complete for now and no terrible outcomes that I know of. Thank you, Jesus!

Now, about my flower garden. I have Shasta daisies, Canna lilies, Russian sage, Hydrangea tree, Clematis, and Roses blooming, and more that you have not had the chance to see. But there is a lot more work to do. I used a shovel and gardening fork to hand dig the sections that you see in the photos, but I have decided that I will have to rent a sod remover to complete the back border. I am getting older and that was arduous work for me. I do not mind caring for my flower garden and planting, but lawn removal should not be so difficult. So, I have changed my mind and will be using a sod remover to complete my design. And then I can complete a lawn patio that will go beneath my table and chairs. I am pleased with the design, but the photos do not do it justice.

It has been a while since you have heard what is going on with the team in my screenplay, so I am excited to share another excerpt with you in my next post.

God bless and have a blessed week!

Love always,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2023 Laveda D. Rockford


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