A Friend of God | Laveda D. Rockford



The first in this series of books and screenplays is Captive Deliverance (Yahrea) which leads FBI Agent Wade Hamilton into an investigation that changes his life. While working on a complicated case, he learns how to see beyond his own understanding. Combined with the help of his team the criminals are rounded up and he closes the case that brought Gina into his life.

            Motto: There is a reason for everything and everything has a purpose.



In the second book, Gina and Wade find out that the battle surges even though they are living according to the rules. After they open their own private investigation company, they contact their first client. Wade travels across the country only to find the answer that he is looking for in his own backyard. When the list of criminals gets longer, his old team members join the investigation, and the team acquires innovative technology that helps them get a positive result with an unexpected ending. (soon to be released)

            Motto: Though the battle surges here, know that HE is near.


Who is Yahreh? Yahreh is the child of Wade and Gina Hamilton who met while Wade was investigating a crime in Captive Deliverance.

Yahreh (yah’rea) name, a friend of God. God’s friend. – Rea (rea) n. Friend of mine.


Wouldn’t you like to be called a friend of God? I know that I would. I am not saying that I am or anyone that I know is anything like Abraham or any of the old prophets, but I know our Father who is in heaven, and it was and still is an important thing for me to learn how to become His friend. I recognize that Jesus Christ has given me the ability to have a relationship with Him and I write books that are designed to show you how being a friend to Him can assist you in your everyday life. That does not mean that all of the sudden you have a glorious life though at times it can. What it means is that no matter what happens in your life on earth, we have the ability to persevere knowing that our Heavenly Father loves us.

If you would like to know more about my books and screenplays, contact me via email at: laveda.d.rockford@gmail.com

Laveda D. Rockford

© Laveda D. Rockford


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