To Scrooge: A Poetical Exhibit | Laveda D. Rockford


To Scrooge: A Poetical Exhibit

There once was a man named Scrooge,

Who set out to destroy the joy of others,

The gifts, the tree, the star you see,

All are our reminders of Jesus,


Gifts of the Hoy Spirit,

After Jesus hung on the tree,

The star brings us back to when,

God with us is to be,


Now we celebrate Easter,

For the Savior that He came to be,

No Scrooge or anyone will stop me,

From loving Jesus Christ you see,


So, this year if you want,

Call me names and spread your lies,

 Then take it up with Jesus Christ,

Who judges with righteous might,


God bless all and remember,

Jesus Christ today,

He is risen, He is not dead,

Jesus Christ is alive!


© 2024 Laveda D. Rockford


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