Trust, Persevere, and Hope | Laveda D. Rockford


Trust, Persevere, and Hope

There are so many sad things happening in the world today but we, who have the ability to show kindness and love around the world, should not stop doing what is important. So, this post is about things that are dear to my heart.

First of all, I would like to remind you and those of you who do not recall that my Mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015. Cancer is a terrible foe. My Mother was 73 years old when she was diagnosed and after chemo, surgery, and radiation, I am happy to say that she is still with me. She turned 82 years old this year. It was not easy but the thing that kept her going besides our faith in Jesus Christ was her ability to look ahead to the future and laugh a lot with her sisters.

On Saint Patrick’s Day in 2015 she had one of her Chemo sessions. We wore long, shiny, paper wigs. They looked like they were made out of confetti paper, you know the type that I am talking about, the shiny paper. Well anyway, she wore a green one and I wore a pink one. Green for Saint Patrick’s Day and pink for Breast Cancer awareness. This is one thing that we did to get through the difficult moments.

Chemo, surgery, and radiation was not easy, and my Mother has a little difficulty remembering everything that happened during those days, but her chemo sessions were extensive. I pray for all people who have to fight this foe. May God give you the strength and ability to outsmart, outwit, and outlast its plan.

Second, I want to show you a birthday present that I recently finished for my daughter. She is an impressive dog trainer, and I am amazed at how much knowledge she can store in that head of hers. She is one amazing woman. 

Anyway, she is one of those people who are hard to buy for and has everything she needs and most of what she wants. So, I prayed to God and asked Him what I should do for her birthday. He gave me the idea for this. I hope she does not see it and I will not show the completed wreath, but you will get the idea with these closeup shots.

Third, it is most important for each and every one of you to look into yourself to find out what is controlling your actions. Are you listening to people who are not good for you? Are you deciding things on a whim? Where do you look for guidance? Well, there is a God in heaven that is looking and watching everything that we do, and HE will decide in the end. I am reminded of a scripture.

Teach me Your way, ADONAI,

and lead me on a level path-

because of my enemies.

Do not turn me over

to the desire of my foes.

For false witnesses rise up against me,

breathing out violence.  

Surely I trust that I will see the goodness

of ADONAI in the land of the living.

Wait for ADONAI.

Be strong, let your heart take courage,

and wait for ADONAI.

Psalm 27: 11-14 (TLV)


I want to know the right path, the right way, and be ready for His return. Yes, I am a Christian and believe that Jesus Christ will return and His through His salvation is where hope comes from.


Heralding the

Option to

Persevere through



I expect to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living!

God bless.

Love always,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2024 Laveda D. Rockford


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