Memorial Day: The Day to Reflect | Laveda D. Rockford


Memorial Day: The Day to Reflect

An Opinion Piece

Memorial Day is the day when, hopefully, all Americans around the world join together and remember those who sacrificed their lives for our country. There have been many wars, some that we did not want to get involved with and some that we started. The worst ones were the ones that we tried to overtly avoid. Which, I believe, in turn causes us more casualties than if we would have confronted evil when we were told of the evil that was happening. The war that I am referring to is WWII. Many countries were overrun by a horrible dictator who had decided that their race was the only race that should be elitists and by conquering the world, they could instill that type of rhetoric daily and destroy those who they had conquered. We did not want to get into that war, but we were forced to. We did not start that war, but we had to protect our citizens here and abroad.

There is always an aggressor in a war. Some countries have been bombarded by their neighbors for many years. However, they did not respond in kind in hopes of avoiding a war. But, like I said, sometimes there are more casualties in the end when that happens. If you are going to choose a side, please be intelligent enough to research the situation that you are picketing about. If you do not know the history or reason that you are picketing and only want to go with the group, remember, some of the big wigs behind those groups are getting paid while you are the ones trying to answer questions that you know nothing about. I do not want you to be ignorant about it. I want all of our young people around the world to understand that there is a better way for you to act. Through knowledge you can conquer prejudice, but without it, you will be the one conquered. Maybe not physically, but mentally and emotionally, which is something I detest for you. Yes, we should love all people but not all people love others.

 I do not like war, I do not like to see our men and women having to protect us all the while trying to protect themselves. Now we have people coming across our borders that have not been vetted. That concerns me very much and it should concern you, too. It makes me concerned that we have so many people that we do not know that we have a war on our soil that we do not want. Again, more casualties than if we had confronted the situation ahead of time.

To remember and honor our service members who sacrificed so much, send Memorial well wishes to the families of those soldiers. For freedom they gave their lives, we, as free as we can be, salute them.

May God be in your thoughts and may He answer your prayers. May your days be filled with love even on days of sorrow.

With love and not malice,

Laveda D. Rockford

Photos are of my flower garden.

© 2024 Laveda D. Rockford


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