This is a photo of the desk in my bedroom. As you can tell, I love to read and study the Word. 

Laveda D. Rockford
Christmas Season

Since Christmas is coming quickly, I thought sending a reminder about it would be a great thing to say. Christmas is a time to stop and see how much God loves us. It still amazes me that He would save you and me through His son, Jesus Christ. For He knew the plans before. Before you and I could ever even imagine them. How could a little tiny baby save the world? He was the Lamb of God, unblemished, to take upon himself the sins of the world. He can save you from your sins and change your life, too! I hope that you will consider it and live a life worthy of what He did. #GodIsGood #SomethingGreater #faith #Strong

© 2019 Laveda D. Rockford 


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