I have been trying to complete this painting before Christmas. It means so much to me since it represents my representation of Revelation 4:4, 4:10, and 19:12.

Stained-Glass Style Painting
December 2019
Laveda D. Rockford
There has been a lot of speculation concerning the twenty-four elders in the book of Revelation. Most theologians agree that the original twelve are the Old Testament Patriarchs, the sons of Jacob. The remaining twelve are thought to be the Disciples of Jesus.

Stained-Glass Style Painting
December 2019
Laveda D. Rockford

Most of us agree that Judas, the traitor, is not included in the latter twelve. Some have said that it is the man, Matthias, introduced in Acts 1:26. None of us are sure who is chosen to sit around the throne, but I have to say that the Apostle Paul, who was chosen by Christ Himself to write a large portion of the New Testament through the prompting of the Holy Spirit, might be included with the eleven.

Stained-Glass Style Painting
December 2019
Laveda D. Rockford
Who is to know the mind of God? All I know is that I love Him with my WHOLE heart and long for the day that I hear the words, “Well done, My good and faithful servant…” – Matthew 25:23

I hope that you enjoy my photos and explanations about my paintings. As an artist, I enjoy sharing these moments with you. May God bless you as you go about your day!

See ya next time.

© 2019 Laveda D. Rockford


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