WOMEN, FLOWERS, AND PEACE | Laveda D. Rockford


Laveda D. Rockford photos

I spent the last few days traveling with my family. Everyone says that you should choose your friends carefully. Well, these beautiful ladies are my friends. Each one has their own unique personality. First from the left is my Aunt Bonnie. Her bubbly personality and ability to work a room is uncanny. Next to her is her daughter Carolyn who has more theatrical talent in her little finger than most. Watching her act on the stage is something I will always cherish and look forward to in the future. The one peeking out from behind my Mother is my Aunt Mary Beth whose ability to organize large amounts of stuff and traveling cases is phenomenal. Next is my Mother whose strength while dealing with stage 4 cancer gives encouragement to anyone who knows her. Then there is me, who is grateful to have such beautiful and strong women in my family. Each one beautiful in their own way.

As you know, I love flowers. I arrived home in time to see a few new flowers blooming outside. 

Laveda D. Rockford photos

Laveda D. Rockford photos

While on the road, I saw flowers blooming along the route that showed the unique beauty of each state as we traveled through.  I tried not to think about the atrocities happening in the world these past few days, but I could not help but think about it. And throughout the week my thoughts kept coming back to one single concept. And that single concept is that I would prefer to look at one of these flowers growing through the spring and summer rather than be given to people at funerals. I am still shocked at what is happening. The thoughts of man hold needless vicious actions. My heart and prayers go out to those who are suffering needlessly. May God give you His peace and may you experience His love during this difficult time. Thinking of you!

With love,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2021 Laveda D. Rockford

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