Laveda D. Rockford
Laveda D. Rockford 
February 2019

A long time ago I had the privilege of meeting a young actor. He was beginning his career which turned out to be very prosperous and successful. When I met him, I said something to him that I wonder about today. It was during a very, difficult time in my life. I was young and had already gone through huge difficulties. At the time, I only wanted one of my peers to agree with me that life can be difficult.

I have heard about the scars some Hollywood elites had experienced. Some received scars while climbing that ladder, also some from years before. These scars are what carried them through, riding on the wings of emotion. Emotion is the catalyst that propelled them forward.

I do not know if the actor I met so many years ago had scars. Since then, I have seen a photo of him that made me wonder about it. Sadness is hard to hide. The eyes are the avenue into the soul.

One way you know if you have succeeded in life is if you have not lost your compassion for people. You never know what kind of scars people carry around with them. All you must do is look at your own scars to understand compassion. Compassion is something that should always be exercised in polite society.

That may be why I like taking photos of flowers. They show no division among people. They bloom for anyone interested enough to see.  

Laveda D. Rockford photos
Purple Clematis

If I should be so honored for that young actor, from so many years ago, to read this article, I hope that he is happy and if he has scars, I hope that they have healed and compassion rules his life.

If you should see me with teary eyes, do not think woe is me. Think instead, I have won.

The hearing ear and the seeing eye, the LORD has made them both. – Proverbs 20:12

God bless and Happy Mother’s Day! 


Laveda D. Rockford

© 2021 Laveda D. Rockford




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