Laveda D. Rockford, painting
My Cup Runneth Over
unfinished painting
Laveda D. Rockford


To start this post, I want to say something about the suffering of many people because of URI. This storm has caused havoc for many. I have heard stories of electricity being out for days, and now their water supply is suffering from the freezing temperatures. Please say a prayer for those in need and do not forget to thank those who are assisting them in whatever way possible. Being a light, for the people giving their time and/or money to assist those so devastated, is commendable. May God bless you and yours!

While I have been snowed in, I have the chance to paint again. I never know what to name my paintings until it gets to a certain point. I wait for the LORD to give me direction. It came to me this morning and the name of this painting is ‘My Cup Runneth Over’. It is from one of my favorite verses in the Bible. Psalm 23. I hope you enjoy looking at the photos showing the progress of my new painting. 

Laveda D. Rockford painting
My Cup Runneth Over
unfinished painting
Laveda D. Rockford

Laveda D. Rockford painting
My Cup Runneth Over
unfinished painting
Laveda D. Rockford

Laveda D. Rockford painting
My Cup Runneth Over
unfinished painting
Laveda D. Rockford

And do not forget…

Call out to Jesus when times are tough,

Call out to Jesus when you have enough,

Call out to Jesus every day,

Call out to Jesus in every way.

He will be with you,

Through thick and thin.

I call Him my Savior,

And I call Him my friend.

God be with you!

With love,

Laveda D. Rockford

© 2021 Laveda D. Rockford


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