Laveda D. Rockford oil painting


When painting an oil painting, detail can be daunting. No matter how much you try, it could sink or get lost in the painting itself. I worked on details of the stone walls on either side of the road. It turned out quite nicely. I thought it would be fun to share a few photos before I go back to work. I will not have as much time to paint then.

Laveda D. Rockford oil painting

Laveda D. Rockford oil painting

Laveda D. Rockford oil painting

Painting is creating and/or capturing a moment. A swipe of the brush, in multiple directions, or a dab here and a dab there, fills the canvas with an assortment of color to resemble a subject. It is not as easy as you think. When you see some of the masterpieces in a museum, you admire the artists for the time and talent that it took to lay the scene in such a way that takes your breath away. I know that I could not be considered a talented artist yet, but if I keep practicing, you never know what my future may hold.

Details are the tiny little items that you find inside a painting that amaze you. While looking at a landscape scene, green and lush, you find a flower out on its own. You look closely and then you wonder why the artist included that lonely specimen. You scan the painting for quite a while looking for any other delightful things and sometimes you might be surprised to find more than one. This reason is why I enjoy painting. Here are a few more photos of my painting, ‘My Cup Runneth Over’.


Laveda D. Rockford oil painting

I hope you enjoyed this information about painting and the little surprises you can find in a painting. It is just a little fun information of what I think about.

God bless and have a blessed week!


Laveda D. Rockford

© 2021 Laveda D. Rockford

Song of Solomon 6:10


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